Tuesday, August 30, 2011


we all have them and noone really wants them. they cause stress and seem to suck the life from you like a sucubus. very rarly do they ground you and have some possitive influance in our day to day goings on. you guessed it bills. and for the past month due to the changes in catering my life around my choice of pushing to better my future have been piling up. normally i fall to pieces at this point but that isnt an option at this point. i hate being behind it sets the tone for me to constantly feel rushed. as usual with my luck it gets better my finanial aid, well the loans i have taken out seem to not be posting on our schools site. so its off to the finacial aid office to straighten things out. no doubt with more wonderful news. HA! whats next. throw it at me world do your worst while i do my best.

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